Are Audience Reports Worth Using?

Important Features

Within these reports you are able to gain valuable insights on demographics of your users. This includes gender, age, language, location, etc. Additionally, you are able to track behavior of your users such as time spent on your site, frequency of visits, and clicks. Most importantly you are able to see the path that users specifically take through your site and what type of device they were using.

What Does This Mean For You?

Discovering demographics and behaviors of your users will allow you to create content tailored towards their interests within your site. Also, you are able to see how many of these users are returning to your site and create ads that encourage them to keep coming back. Mark Evans discusses how “one size fits all” marketing is not likely to work anymore. In other words, this is why it is so important to track user behavior and look into demographics because consumers nowadays want to feel like they are “special” and their specific needs are being met. In the end, using audience reports can really help marketers make better content for users and help to capture their attention.

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