Using Infographics for HelloFresh About Us Page

The video discussed how important visuals are to the content that is put forth for consumers. I believe that creating infographics on Infogram would definitely be an asset to HelloFresh. I have used Infogram a few other times, and they provide multiple formats to display information in engaging and visually appealing ways (they even have templates that are designed for social media). I believe that infographics would be most helpful on the About Us page for HelloFresh, as it will display why HelloFresh is an amazing company for various different types of families and people. For example, we can use infographics to put up facts on how long the average person spends grocery shopping each week, health facts about other “speed” meals that people in a rush might purchase, and similar things that support HelloFresh as being an efficient and health effective service. We can also use this infographic, one fact at a time on our social media to convey these concepts in a way that is simple and visually appealing. An example of a post that I created is below. This post would tell customers that by using HelloFresh they are saving hours of their time each year.


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