Content Performance

Behavior Reports:

Behavior reports created by Google Analytics are extremely important for digital marketers. These reports make it easy to see how users move through your website and interact with your content. For example, you are able to see which content drives the most revenue, clicks, and average time on page. These are a few of many tools that Analytics provides you with in order to dive deeper in knowing your content.

When Content Fails:

Now that we know that we have the ability to analyze our content and see what’s preforming the best, the question becomes what do you do with the content that is failing. Shannon McGuirk wrote an article on, “The Campaign Comeback: What to Do When Content Fails,” and highlighted 5 steps to fix your failing content. Reevaluate your outreach efforts, stories vs statements, create a package, ask an expert, and re-launch timing are her 5 steps, respectively (link provided below).

Key Takeaways:

After reading McGuirk’s article, what stood out the most to me is when she writes about stories vs statements. She explains that it might not be the information of the content that’s not generating clicks or page views, it’s the way you say it. A story is more intriguing than a statement. She recommends to “Strip it right back and start to think about that hook or that angle that your whole campaign is all about.” If I see a lot of impressions but not a lot of positive results with my personal content, the story will be one of the first things I revisit. Instead of recreating content, I will try to reword it and see if results improve.

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