When thinking about creating a webpage or a landing page it is very important to keep form and function in mind. Both of these are very important to having a successful page as typically they go hand and hand with each other. The function of the page is important because you need to make sure that it works properly and that there are no dead ends. The information is to be very clear so that the customer isn’t all over the place trying to figure out how to navigate across the page.
Form on the other hand is how the page is laid out and designed. If a page gets too cluttered then it can mess the customer up when thinking about what it is they want. It makes it hard for the customer to figure out what it is you are marketing, if you have too much attention being called to things across the page. This ultimately leads to whether or not the customer will want to purchase this product and if they are unsure of what is being marketed you can lose out on sales.
In the end, it is very important to value both function and form because they coincide with each other to create a great webpage. A customer wants to go to a page that they can trust, that works well and that is also not overwhelming. When this is done it will make the process of buying products or services from your page a lot easier, this will lead to increased sales.