Keep Pushing The Content

Content is all about quality as much as it is quantity

It is important to have all different types of content for your viewers to see when they are looking at your website or what not. You are going to want the content you are putting out to be quality that will have a positive impact on your company. It is very crucial to put as much content as you can out there especially if you are a new company. You want all sorts of content ranging from, “Posts on our own blog, help guides, template descriptions, guest posts, and sponsored articles”. Chad Reid states that it is important to produce vast amounts of high quality content because, “We could build a content engine that produces high volume of quality content, then we could learn what works well and double down on creating great content”. That way you can always make improvements and adjustments to the new content you are producing leaving your consumers with the best content possible.

The Behaviors of the Consumer

While putting all this content out there it is crucial to look at the behavior of the viewers looking at the content. You can look at what landing page they started at and their exit page and what piece of content they looked at last. Then you can see what’s popular and what the consumers seem to like and produce more things of that nature.

Read this article learn about an experiment this company did by producing 100,000 words worth of high quality content in a month and how it positively affected their business.

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