Samsung’s COVID-19 Relief Plan for Small Businesses

Small Business Relief

Small Businesses around the United States were dramatically affected by the pandemic either being forces to completely shut down or face a massive cut in sales. Many business owners, as a result, have seen a massive decrease in income and some have had to go to the extent of shutting down their business. As a result, Samsung is prioritizing these owners and doing whatever they can to help by donating tablets and laptops to help run their companies remotely.

Implementing our Products

Samsung is striving for small business owners to implement their new state of the art 5G technology to help aid their business. This will give owners the ability to remotely run their company or even help them set up a website of their own. This will give small business owners who sell specific products the ability for their consumers to also remotely shop with them and continue their already developed relationship. These tablets will also give business owners the ability to move to a touchless system in order for clients to cash out. They will have the opportunity to download different applications where consumers will have the option to pay with credit and limit hands-on transactions.

How You Can Help

Samsung has now created a program that allows you to donate to a laptop or tablet every time one is purchased. These tablets will then be sent to small business owners who have struggled to succeed during the pandemic. These donations will give small business owners an advantage by allowing them remotely run their businesses in high-risk areas affected by Covid-19. These owners have spent hundreds of hours growing their company for it to only be nearly ruined by the total shutdown of America for three months. With your help, small businesses that are o crucial to our economy will continue to grow and succeed.

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