Using Tag Manager to Track Behavior

Tracking user behavior on a website can be extremely helpful for marketers. Not only can user behavior indicate the type of content that users like, but it can also give you clues about how to reach goals that you set for your website. An example of this could be tracking the buttons that users click on to see how close you are to reaching a goal. If your goal is to make a sale, you would want to know how many people click through to a product, how many put it in their cart, and how many click to purchase the product, right? One tool that can help you gather this information is Tag Manager.

What is Tag Manager?

Tag Manager is a tool that lets you create tags to track specific events on your website. You can create a tag for almost any action you would like to track. One tag that is easy to make is for button clicks. To create a tag, you first have to install Tag Manager on your website, and then decide what you want the trigger to be. The trigger will be any action that causes the tag to send you a notification. For the example of button clicks, the trigger would be someone clicking on any of the buttons on your site. You get to decide which buttons will trigger a notification, and can make one generic tag, or several individual tags. This video by Vishal Kalia gives a clear overview of how to do this.

Although button clicks is only one example of the tags you could create, this tool can be extremely helpful for marketing efforts. Without knowing what users do on your website, it is hard to know how to improve anything, or how to reach your goals easier. By using Tag Manager, you can quickly gain an understanding of how users use your site, and gain great insights into how to improve.

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