Analytics: Goals You’ll Stick to This Time

What if I told you there’s a goal you’ll stick to better than your gym membership at New Years? It’s April, and most people have cancelled theirs already. But when it comes to your business, Google Analytics makes it easy to track your goals in 4 ways.

URL’s, time, page visits, and event tracking, with the help of a goal, can show you how your business is doing and give you visibility on areas of improvement.

Page visit tracking is arguably one of the more important goals in the bunch. This goal, depending on what you set for it, tracks the number of goals each visitor sees before they leave. These customizable goals allow you to set the number of pages it takes to trigger a track. Similar to the time and duration goal, this is telling of how long the sessions are on your site. If people are only seeing one page, this is a good indicator to evaluate your landing page and maybe make it a little more….. interesting.

For more information on how to curate your site to the best it can be, check out this article:

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