A/B Testing

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is an experiment that we use to compare two different, but similar, variables to see which produces a better outcome. The first step in this process is finding a problem within the site. One way that we can find the issue is by focusing on trends from behavior reports within Google Analytics. Once we identify that we move on to creating a hypothesis. In the hypothesis we use the problem from before and think of a way to fix the issue. A/B testing allows us to compare different factors on a site without making a permanent change. This is beneficial to us because we can see if the changes we make help us achieve or goals. Sometimes when we experiment we end up getting closer to or target audiences and achieving our goals overall.

My Hypothesis

On the Naz website it has a small box on the right side of the screen where you put in your email to get more information. This shows that you are interested in Naz at least a little to give them your information. However, it is a little small and people may not notice it because it isn’t jumping out at them. For my hypothesis I want there to be a pop up when you first get to the site that asks if you want more information on Nazareth College. I think that this would result in many more people showing interest in the college.

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