It’s Time To Start Using Behavior Reports

So why should I be using this??

Having the knowledge of what your consumers are doing on your websites can be extremely beneficial for your company. What your users are doing on your websites can have an impact on the next decisions or changes you are going to want to make. You will be able to learn about your users and understand them in a completely different way than you ever have before with google analytics. So it’s definitely time your company starts putting google analytics behavior reports to use.

What does behavior reports have to offer??

To start you can began looking over the overview report. This will provide you with information on your websites total page views, unique page views, average time on page, bounce rate, % exit, page views for the top 10 most viewed pages, search term data and event categories. Rachel Chapdelaine, writer of How To Use Google Analytics Behavior Reports, feels that it gives you “a quick, high-level overview of many of the Behavior reports. ” Also you have the opportunity to get important insight on site search. This gives you the ability to look over what search terms were entered into your website by users. Event tracking is also a very beneficial piece, which shows you the amount of times that visitors are completing custom events. One last important piece is the experiments report. Which gives an overview and status of your custom experiments.

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