Instagram is notorious for placing digital advertisements every 6 posts on their page. Due to whatever tracking algorithms Instagram uses, the advertisements they began showing me were spot on with the posts I interacted with and followed.
My Instagram feed is very nature photography based. It is filled with landscapes, camera equipment, profiles, you name it. However one day when scrolling through my feed, I came across a sponsored advertisement for a company called Nature Backs.
This is a company that almost perfectly matches my personal aesthetic. The image shown for their ad was beautiful, something I would one day hope to produce myself. Not only that, but the product they were advertising looks great. Itt matched the scenery of the image, was front and center so you knew it was the product being advertised. In my eyes, it was the perfect ad. So naturally, I clicked on the ad.
I was brought to their website and right at the beginning was introduced to the companies goals and purpose. In particular, they donate 50% of their logo thread profits to content creators that go out and explore. Pursuing content creation can be challenging, especially if your content is based around travel and exploration. I thought this was really cool of the company to do.
Personally, I have yet to purchase anything from their website, but I frequently see advertisements on Instagram of their clothing. It is only a matter of time before I make my first purchase with them.