The Importance of Tag Manager

This video provides a guide on tagging specific website items which can help to better understand website behavior.

Why bother with tags?

Knowing what is happening on your website is very important. Without the knowledge on how people interact with your content it will be difficult to make decisions. Tags give you the chance to track certain events happening on the site. These tags could include scrolling, clicking, or watching a video. Expending effort to tag things may seem like a poor time investment but being able to see what people do can inform action. As a result, you are able to be more in touch with the intricacies of what people are doing on the website. An ecommerce site might be concerned with shopping traffic. So the website might benefit from tracking how often people click on the add to cart button or reach a certain conversion page.

What should be tagged?

With a wide option of tagging options, it can be intimidating to know what to do. However, it becomes simpler to think about when relating it to goals. Being able to track goals through tags provides value for a website. For example, there may be a goal to have visitors watch video content and an event tag can provide a way to see if that goal is being achieved. Tagging individual items on a website can allow you to see more detail. If there are only general tags, it is tough to get specific. By adding tags based on certain characteristics, you can get better knowledge on what people are clicking on and doing. Tagging should be a pivotal piece in website analysis and should be used to gain greater insight to goals and website information.

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