Creating a Custom Audience

What you Need to Know

In order to reach your target audience, you must first know who that is. Secondly, you have to know how to find them. What are their interests? Where do they live? What age range are they in? These audiences can be targeted through pre-configured groups created by Google. These groups include affinity, life events, in-market, custom, custom intent, remarketing, detailed demographics, custom match, and similar audience. “A custom audienceĀ is a step beyond the basic demographic and psychographic audience filters“. This can use outside sources like website cookies and their behavior on social media.

How to Successfully Use your Demographics

In order to narrow down these groups and find your custom audience the type of campaign you’re running needs to be taken into consideration. Display, search, video, and hotel campaigns all have a different type of audience to which they cater to. The final step is dynamic prospecting which is the process of remarketing popular products in order to reach new customers. Prospecting works differently than remarketing because it works to acquire new ones. Machine learning has made this possible by capturing and analyzing user history to predict what prospective buyers would be interested in. In combination with custom demographics, dynamic prospecting can help campaigns reach more consumers and create more conversions.

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