Hello BC

The Hello BC #ExploreBCLater campaign was a really effective way to use the sudden lockdown from the COVID19 pandemic to their advantage. Through posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, the organization took the opportunity while no one could travel to capitalize on the wanderlust that comes from being stuck indoors. 

On first glance it’s clearly a very visual campaign which makes platforms like Instagram and Facebook the perfect way to get out their message. Through pictures of the beautiful scenery and videos of fun activities British Columbia has to offer, the audience of this campaign can experience the province from the comfort and safety of home. 

The goal of this campaign was a long-term one, looking to increase tourism once travel restrictions lift and life returns to a more normal state. The idea is to get people excited about British Columbia while they’re feeling stuck in their own home towns, so when travel resumes BC will be top of the list. It’s an incredibly effective strategy, and smart to play off the current circumstances that would otherwise have only negatively effected the tourism industry. 

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