Target Audiences By Understanding Them

I’m a soccer player. When I go on Dick’s, I’m not looking for a new hockey stick!

It’s important to target your potential audience’s affinity because that is what is going to entice them. Sometimes you attract users that don’t even know what they are looking for, they just were brought to your website one way or another. Are you going to let them figure it out for themselves and just hope they stumble on the content they are looking for? No way! As an advertiser, we must think ahead and be steps ahead of the user, We must plan for different types of users. Many times a user has passion for something and by utilizing data about them you can exploit that. When they are coming to your website they may not even know that content is what they are looking for despite their passion for it. It’s our job as advertisers to make sure that they know it’s what they are looking for. I would force their affinity on them unless they have recent data that suggests they may be seeking something else. From a percentage standpoint it is more likely that the user is coming to your website in search of something related to their affinities than something unrelated. And for the times they are in search of something unrelated, you may still be able to peak their interest because they are always intrigued by their affinity. Audience targeting allows companies to deliver personalized experiences to customers who are most likely to purchase (Adobe).

Understand Google Analytics

When creating custom affinity audiences, advertisers should consider how analytics work to create custom audiences. Custom audiences lets you decide how you want to reach your ideal audience by entering keywords. Knowing this can allow advertisers to determine what keywords best target their audience for each specific product. From there, Google Ads will do its job and connect people who are likely to take an interest in your product. Advertisers need to have a clear understanding of specific audiences that their product is appealing to. It is also important to recognize that if  you have multiple campaigns targeting the same traffic, the auction will select the one with the highest effective bid. This is why its important to know your top buyer when coming up with keywords for your product. One should also recognize dynamic prospecting and how it looks at your top performing products to make recommendations to newer users. All in all, understanding how custom audiences works will benefit any advertiser.

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