What are Custom Affinity Audiences?
When targeting an audiences it may be helpful to know more about your consumers than just their general interests or demographic. Custom affinity Audiences allow for more targeted ads by looking at specific brands their interested in, or passions that the audiences has. Before creating an ad, you should have know the audiences interests and behaviors. Then, when you know your consumers interests and behaviors, you can create the custom affinity audience.
Why use Custom Affinity Audiences?
Custom Affinity Audiences give an advertiser more specific ways of targeting the audience. It allows advertisers to be more creative by entering useful details. According to Andreea Popa of searchscientits.com, when using custom affinity audiences, entering certain URLs, keywords, places, or useful apps is how advertisers can zone in on the audience. It is a great way of targeting your audience because in the end, rather than seeing an ad they don’t care about, the consumer will see ads more relevant to them.
Link: https://www.searchscientists.com/custom-affinity-audiences/