I have many social media accounts on different platforms that all do different things. One account I have is on Instagram, where I follow friends, family, and a few of my favorite celebrities or shops. I saw an ad for a different store that I don’t follow and there were a cute pair of shorts in the ad that I wanted to look at. Instagram makes it very easy to shop by tagging the item and price on the post for the customer to see. Since I could so easily see how much these shorts were, I decided to click the ad to the website and buy the shorts because they were in my price range.
Instagram is not the only platform that allows users to do this. On Facebook, you are also able to shop from ads that pop up. Another time I clicked an ad was for workout clothing that was “50%” off. This ad was appealing to me because they were selling name brand work out clothing for cheaper than the original websites. I clicked this ad to shop and bought two items from this shop.
I guess the reason that I clicked the ad was because it was easy. That is how I shop most of the time anyway, by what is easily available. Things that catch my eye and are easy to use usually will have me falling for a click.