What is Google Tag Manager?
Google Tag Manager is a type of Tag Management System that gives you the option to attach various codes known as tags to your website. These tags allow you to see your websites analytics. You can set tags triggers to fire off when certain actions happen and you can use different tag variables that can be used to simplify your tags. A common use for Google Tag Manager is tracking your website’s clicks. It’s great insight to know how much traffic your website is getting and Tag Manager does a great job of tracking and displaying this data.
How to set up Google Tag Manager
To begin, you must create an account on the Google Tag Manager website. Then you create a container name for the website that you want to add Google Tag Manager to. Once you have installed the container, you can go ahead and start adding, updating and managing tags that will help boost your website’s performance! https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/6103696?hl=en&ref_topic=3441530
To learn how to track button clicks with Google Tag Manager, watch the video below!