How To Gain More Traffic On Your Site

The Power Of Targeting

Having trouble getting visitors to come back to your site? This is a problem a lot of businesses have which is why Google Analytics introduced audience targeting. This report allows you to create an “audience” on your consumer’s interests which is based on their previous visits. You are able to send these users discounts or incentives to join loyalty programs emails. This is useful because you will be able to track how many users “convert” into sales by using this report.

Using Audience Reports

Step one of getting started is to go into the audience section within Google Analytics. From there you will select the overview section and begin choosing your different user categories. Joe Martinez describes the different examples of the categories. Such as home and garden, cars, shopping, or technology. These categories help you narrow down the interests of your users. You also will have the option to pick different demographic information, like age or location. After you select the categories and demographics, you will be able to analyze the different conversions on your site from these groups.

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