Lead Scores, Use ’em or Lose ’em…

What is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is a way to rate the leads you find for your business. These leads can either be used to gather someone’s information or Waze that they have interacted with your business or website. The way someone uses your website can also affect lead scoring and will determine how you shape your leads.

Why is it important?

There are many very important aspects of lead scoring, and each one needs to be thoroughly understood to have a successful strategy. One of the most important aspects of lead scoring is how potential customers engage with your website. This can tell many things, including but not limited to, People that look at your site and do not visit high value pages, as well as people who visit many highly Priced pages. The ladder will receive a lower score. Spending time looking at these analytics will show you who you should dedicate your time to the most. It is important to use a team that knows a lot about this, and implement that into your business .To get the best results.

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