Will spending the most money on “search ads” beat your competition?

The answer is no. Spending the most money on search ads can get you towards the top of the search results, but it does not guarantee that you will beat your competition. There are multiple factors to take into consideration that influence the search results ranking besides search ads. For one, the content that you create and share on your website also plays a role in that. The higher quality your content is, the more likely you are to have backlinks and social media shares, which then makes your website more reputable. That in turn helps with increasing conversions and website traffic. Along with that, focusing and using what makes you different from your competition can be a great advantage. As stated in the Expert Session with John Gagnon, using the pin feature for local businesses is something that bigger businesses can’t compete with on the same level. Overall, spending on search ads is important and I think necessary to a certain degree. However, you cannot rely on search ads alone, by spending all of your money on them, to beat your competition.

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