Individuals that use their email on a daily basis seem to strongly dislike email. So, of course they would believe that email marketing is a dying breed, but that is because they don’t know how to use email in the right way.
In today’s world, with so many different ways to communicate, but email marketing will always be the king of professional communication. If you do email marketing correctly you can potentially generate 10 times more engagement at 1/10 of the cost.
Excellent email marketing today looks a lot different than it did twenty years ago. With the right data, you can understand the context of how, where, and when your customers will open your message. Doing this will be beneficial because it will keep your company relevant to the consumer.
With the right tools, you can make your email advertisement aesthetically pleasing, so it’s not only useful, but looks well-structured on both mobile and desktop screens.
In my opinion, email marketing will remain one of the most successful and cost-effective way to reach customers. Email marketing will continue for as long as working individuals are using email as a professional way to communicate.